The Sustainable Solopreneur is a weekly newsletter about seasonal, cyclical, supportive business strategy for solopreneurs and creative souls who want more out of life than the status quo, hosted by business coach and strategist Jenni Gritters. If you’ve been reading this newsletter for a while and you receive value from it, I’d encourage you to sign up for a paid subscription.
I’m writing to you from my bed at 7:30 pm on Sunday night. I’m drinking a cup of tea and my dog is curled up next to me, snoring. I had another newsletter scheduled for this week and it just didn’t feel like the right vibe, so I’m writing off the cuff instead. I’m giving you what’s true. (What a relief, right? We could all use more truth right now.)
I’ve been solo parenting for the past three days while my husband is away. My kids are almost 2 and 4.5, so it’s always a very full-time job to care for them alone, day after day. It’s been surprisingly delightful this time around, which I didn’t expect: We went to pet and feed alpacas today, including a few just-born babies. We planted flowers in our yard and curled up together on the couch to watch a nature documentary. We went to the pool and rode bikes. They “helped” me weed the garden and we painted dinosaurs. We made chocolate chip pancakes and sang “Who let the dogs out?” at the top of our lungs while driving with the car windows down.
One of the things I love most about parenting is how it allows me to be a kid again, too.
But this weekend with them has also underscored something I’ve been feeling for a while: I’m tired. And not just physically tired (but yes, that too). Emotionally tired. Needing to press the pause button for a moment, to listen to the sound of my inner voice with more focus, so I can see where I’m headed more clearly.
I’ve been sick since the end of March with various annoying-but-not-catastrophic viruses. When that happens to me, it’s usually a sign that I’m doing something challenging (which is true) and need a rest (also true). And it’s sometimes a sign that I’m growing into something new, which means my nervous system is not yet sure that this version of my life is safe — and again, the required medicine there is integration, nourishment and rest.
So I’ve decided to say yes to myself. (What a concept!) I’ve decided to give myself the break I’m deeply craving. I’m not taking a month off from my work entirely (I’ll still be seeing clients and working on content projects). But I’m going to slow down certain parts of the business, like this newsletter and my social media, for the month of June. And I’ll be thinning out my meeting schedule while I travel for almost two weeks mid-month, too. In short, my calendar has a lot more open space on it in June. And I’m not racing to fill it up.
I heard someone say last week that you have to slow down to speed up. That feels like exactly what I’m trying to describe in this newsletter. I’m on the cusp of another growth edge in my business; I can feel it. We launched our agency a few months ago and it’s been growing faster than expected. I’m doing some big abundance and money mindset level-ups behind the scenes, my husband and I renegotiated our set up again to give me more time to lean into the business while he runs the house, and I feel a slight rebrand for the coaching business coming on soon. I also have a big stack of teachings I’m interested in sending to y’all, but I haven’t yet figured out how to package them so they feel right, creative, and helpful.
So here is what I’m planning to do with my slow month ahead, before I take another leap:
Set up some systems: We need better systems in the agency business; it’s growing so fast! My husband and I also need clearer “yours and mine” tasks in the business, and some regularly scheduled meetings to check-in. I’ll be taking a moment to set those up.
Get my financial ducks in a row: The finances of our business got messy last year when we became an S-Corp, so I just brought on a bookkeeper to help me get them back in order. I also scheduled a deep dive with a fractional CFO to get her opinion on where we’re going, how to establish a healthy profit margin, taxes, and so much more.
Make sure I’m legally safe: I’ve been meaning to have my lawyer look at my contracts for a while. I also need to add a disclosure statement to my website, among other things. It’s happening this month!
Bits and bobs: You know those tiny business admin things we all like to ignore? I have a list in my phone titled “All The Stuff” and finally, in June, I have a few open days on my calendar just for those tasks — like a spring house clean for the business. I can’t wait to get them off my plate.
Learn about finances and sales: I’ve moved away from my old business model (freelance writing) into two new ones (coaching business & an agency) pretty quickly. And guess what? Sales and marketing work differently for these kinds of businesses. Finances and cash flow do, too. So I’m going to spend a lot of my month listening to podcasts, reading books, and taking webinars focused on these topics.
Write on airplanes: I’m traveling alone this month and can’t wait to journal and reflect on airplanes, alone in my airbnb, and on long drives.
Practice yoga and wake up for those morning jogs: Lately, yoga has been my preferred method of exercise. I’m booking afternoon sessions onto my calendar and promising y’all (and myself) that I will be getting up to jog most mornings, too — even if it’s a jog-walk. Starting my day that way always helps me function more creatively.
Take a lot of long, slow walks to think about what I want to create next: I have so many ideas bubbling up — an audiobook or podcast; a series of retreats; some really incredible masterclasses; collaborations with other teachers in the solopreneurship space; and so much more. But I need time to think through which ones will get my energy this summer, and then in the fall. Wandering in nature is the best way for me to make those decisions.
I’ve heard a lot of you talking lately about taking this kind of break over the summer, too. Of course, if you have kids, you may be forced into this work slow down. But even if not, summer begs us to languish, cherish, enjoy, nap. It’s such a good time for integration, play and creation.
What are you slowing down, if that’s in your summer game plan? And how will you be spending your time so you come back feeling more nourished? I’d love to hear in the comments below.
Sending big love — and I’ll be back on these airwaves in July :)
Curious about my background? I’m a writer and business coach based in Central Oregon. I have two small children and I work part-time so I can spend a lot of time with them. I’m obsessed with teaching people how to build successful businesses that support their human needs first. Check out my coaching offerings here, and follow me on Twitter & Instagram.
Love this for ya. Enjoy it 😍😍. I’m spending way less time in the digital and way more time offline. Being present with art and community in the physical realm 😊
Have the best time away! Looking forward to seeing all you come back with ❤️